

Thank you for voting

In this concise, lively look at the past, present, and future of voting, a journalist examines the long and continuing fight for voting equality, why so few Americans today vote, and innovative ways to educate and motivate them; included are checklists of what to do before election day to prepare to vote and encourage others.


Thank you for voting young readers’ edition

In this young readers’ edition of Thank You for Voting, debut author and journalist Erin Geiger Smith presents a fascinating look into America’s voting history and inspires young people to get involved!  

Voting is a privilege and a right, but it hasn’t always been for many people. From the founding fathers to Jim Crow to women’s suffrage to gerrymandering—and everything in between—readers will get a look at the complex history of voting and become empowered to ask BIG questions like:

—What can I do to support my favorite leader?

—Who can I talk to about the issues I believe in?

—How can I make a difference in my community?

Every citizen has the right to vote. Let each one count!


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